FURION 3 - Casco stradale

HJC Sports è orgogliosa di presentare 3 caschi per la nuova stagione: ATARA, il Tuo casco perfetto per l’utilizzo quotidiano, Furion 2.0 e IBEX 2.0, ambedue dotati di COOLPATH per un elevato raffreddamento interno e SELFIT che garantisce un fitting auto-regolante. Due caratteristiche rivoluzionarie brevettate da HJC.
Thanks to HJC’s experience in MotoGP racing helmet conception, the FURION 2.0‘s aerodynamic, innovative, and simple design increases its performance and airflow for optimal air penetration and improved air cooling capabilities. With the FURION 2.0, HJC introduces COOLPATHTM for advanced air cooling, and SELFITTM for automatic fitting with self-adjustment.
Developed in HJC’s own wind tunnel laboratory, the IBEX 2.0 integrates the Venturi Dynamics to balance the air resistance force. The helmet is perfectly suited for intense effort and hot weather conditions thanks to its impressive and well balanced design.The IBEX 2.0 integrates the 2 revolutionary features patented by HJC: COOLPATHTM for advanced air cooling, and SELFITTM for automatic fitting with self-adjustment.